Friday, June 10, 2011

Saddle Shoes

The other day my mom and I were running some errands, and one of our stops was one of my favourite thrift stores. We were looking for some more decorations for my birthday party, but of course I got distracted by other things. 
I found a cute top. It's like extra-large or something, but I really liked the pattern, and thought it would look cute with a belt (I'm wearing it right now, and it totally does). 

Then, I juast had to look at the shoes.
I ALWAYS look at shoes. I don't often find something that I love/fits me perfectly enough to bother spending money on, but this time was an exception!

Aren't they fabulous!

These shoes are not only darling, but also really old and in excellent condition.
The brand Simpsons ended before the 70's.
After that it became Simpsons and Sears, and now I believe it's just Sears.

They were $12.99, BUT they were blue tag and 50% off!
6 bucks for a pair of the best shoes I have ever seen?

1 comment:

  1. I know I only just commented on your other post but I love these shoes too! I followed your blog because I can see it becoming one of my daily reads :)

    Bethany Paige ( ...Again! X
